About Computer Engineering
The department of Computer engineering has established the enthusiastic and result oriented environment for the students development. The department is equipped with enough resources such as comfortable class rooms and laboratories. All the laboratories are upgraded with Dual core, Core 2 duo and I3 processors and advanced softwares. Every laboratory is having a Printer and most of the laboratories are equipped with open source softwares such as Linux OS and other tools. Also, the digital materials such as class notes, PPT’s, and NPTEL DVD are provided to the students for additional references. The campus wide networking and centralized server system with 80Mbps Lease Line Internet service and firewall(Cyberoam) have been installed to provide good internet facility. Apart from the central library the department is having departmental library which consist of around 250 various important text books, manuals, handbooks etc. We are providing the Internet Service and English Lab for all the students after the academic schedule for two hours.
Academic Year: 2017-18
Minor research Grant Sanctioned to Mr. L.S. Naik and Ms. S.R. Mangale by University of Mumbai for project titled “IOT based Technologies to enhance Village Life” in academic Year 2017-18.
Academic Year: 2018-19
Department of computer Engineering awarded with Academic Excellence Award (2017-18) on 17th August 2018 RMCET foundation Day.
Minor research Grant Sanctioned to Mr. M.Y. Gadkari by University of Mumbai for project titled “IOT based Smart Town” in academic Year 2018-19.
Department of Computer Engineering is honored with Academic Excellence Award 2017-18 by Hon. Chairman Shri. Ravindraji Mane on occasion of 20th College Anniversary on 17th August 2018.
Departmental Academic Excellence Award 2017-18
Faculty members receiving award from Hon. Chairman Shri. Ravindraji Mane
HOD's Desk
Mr. L. S. Naik
Asst. Prof. & Head 9421136589
Today's young generation need to choose a right career which is life-changing decision.
Choosing Computer Engineering as a profession is highly commendable. Department of
Computer Engineering from RMCET is having Qualified Teaching Faculty, Labs equipped with
latest Software’s and Computer's, 100Mbps lease line Broadband Internet, Firewall etc.
Department is taking care of student’s extracurricular needs by providing training's on latest
technologies like Java, Python, Android, Big Data, Machine Learning, IOT etc. and Soft skill
enhancement trainings from renowned organizations. Department providing enormous
opportunities to students for Industry Internship, and Placement in renowned Companies.
The Computer Engineering Department is committed to continually improve its educational environment in order to develop rural youth with the strong academic and technical backgrounds.
- To encourage students to become self-motivated, problem solving individuals who can find and understand the knowledge needed to be successful in the profession.
- To produce best quality Computer Engineering Professionals by imparting quality training, hands on experience and value education.
- To pursue creative research and new technologies in Computer Engineering and across disciplines in order to serve the needs of industry, government, and society.
- Develop within our graduates the technical proficiency and apply fruitfully the knowledge of Computer Engineering.
- Develop within our graduates, the ability to communicate effectively, function ethically and legally to fulfill societal needs.
- Instill commitment into graduates towards life-long learning to remain updated in the profession.
- Develop within the graduates to protect public interest, safety and environment.
Our students in the computer engineering program should, at the time of their graduation, have:
- PO1: an ability to demonstrate mathematics, discrete structures, science fundamentals along with computer engineering principles in real time computer software and hardware problems.
- PO2: an ability to identify, formulates, and review literature’s to analyze and solve complex computer engineering problems.
- PO3: an ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, component, process or program to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability..
- PO4: an ability to organize, analyze and interpret data in order to design and conduct experiments.
- PO5: an ability to use the techniques, skills and modern hardware and software tools necessary for computer engineering practices.
- PO6: the broad education necessary to understand the impact of computing in global, economic, environmental and societal context.
- PO7: an ability to understand contemporary issues related to social and environmental context for sustainable development of engineering solutions.
- PO8: an ability to understand professional, legal and ethical responsibilities as it pertains to computer engineering.
- PO9: an ability to function effectively as an individual, as a member or leader in diverse and multidisciplinary domains.
- PO10: an ability to effectively communicate technical information in speech, presentation and in writing.
- PO11: an ability to apply engineering principles and management skills in individual work and team work for project development in multidisciplinary domains.
- PO12: a recognition of the need for an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
1. Understand and develop computer programs related to algorithms, database, system software,
web designing and networking.
2. Apply the knowledge of computer engineering for providing solutions to real world problems by
designing and developing software and hardware applications.


CN Lab

SE Lab


Project Lab

CG Lab
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar Odd Sem 2018-19
Academic Calendar Even Sem 2018-19
Academic Calendar Even Sem 2017-18
Academic Calendar Odd Sem 2017-18