c :: Department ::

Mechanical Engineering

About Mechanical Engineering

The department of Mechanical engineering is putting the best efforts to meet the challenges in the Modern industries and help the students to excel in their professional life. The Department aims to provide practical industry based technical and professional education to the students. Mechanical engineers use the principles of energy, materials and mechanics to design and manufacture machines and devices of all types. They create the process and systems that drive technology and industry. The faculty aims at putting extra ordinary effort towards motivating the students by undertaking various projects, industrial visits and in-plant training. The Department is actively associated in mentoring the engineering graduates in Mechanical Engineering by nurturing them with inputs from various basic and specialized subjects including Production, Industrial, Thermal and Design Engineering. The Department has well equipped laboratories for the students. Some of these laboratories are Strength of Materials Lab, Material Technology, Kinematics/ Dynamics of Machines Lab, Heat Transfer Lab, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab, Internal Combustion Engines Lab, Energy Conversion Lab, Fluid Mechani .




On the auspicious occasion of 21stAnniversary of RMCET and 61stBirthday of Hon. Chairman ShriRavindraji Mane Sir Department of Mechanical Engineering has received “Academic Excellence Award 2018-19" i.e. Best Department Award at the hands of Hon. Chairman Ravindraji Mane.

Academic Excellence Award 2018-19

HOD & Staff members of Mechanical Engineering Department collecting the award from Hon. Chairman Shri Ravindraji Mane.

HOD's Desk

Cinque Terre
Dr. P. R. Kshirsagar
Asst. Prof. & Head
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on behalf of our entire professional team. I am delighted to introduce you to our department, which has been the foundation of engineering excellence since its inception in 1998 with an initial intake of 60 students.
Our department boasts a team of well-qualified and dedicated faculty members and staff. We are equipped with state-of-the-art classrooms, LCD projectors, and well-developed laboratories.
Our vision is to empower rural youth by providing quality mechanical engineering education, while our mission is to provide students with a solid foundation in mechanical engineering principles, preparing them for lifelong growth and careers. We also strive to inculcate a sense of social responsibility and awareness among our students.
In line with our vision and mission, many of our graduates have gone on to secure leading positions in industry, academia, and government, both in India and abroad.
To foster a conducive learning environment, we organize various activities, including guest lectures, industrial visits, conferences, and technical competitions. Our students have excelled in academics and co-curricular activities, winning numerous prizes.
Our department is actively engaged in social activities through MESA, ISTE Student Chapter, and NSS. Recently, we have established the ISHRAE Thane Chapter within our department.
We look forward to collaborating with you and exploring opportunities for mutual growth.


To empower rural youth for better employment by providing mechanical engineering education.


  • To provide an education that builds within students a solid foundation in Mechanical Engineering principles.
  • To prepare the graduates who have the motivation and ability for lifelong growth in their professional careers.
  • To create awareness among the students towards nation, society and environment.


1) To develop the students to give outstanding performance in their professional career as employee in an industry or as an entrepreneur.
2) To motivate the students to pursue higher education or excel in multidisciplinary projects.
3) To inculcate professionalism, strong ethical values and lifelong learning ability in the students.


1) Apply the basic knowledge of mathematics, Science and Engineering to solve the Mechanical Engineering problems.
2) Identify, formulate and analyse complex Mechanical Engineering problems and propose a substantial conclusion.
3) Design solution for complex Mechanical Engineering problems that will satisfy the specific need.
4) Demonstrate the ability to design and conduct experiments, interpret and analyse the data and report results.
5) Select and use appropriate modern Mechanical engineering tools to analyse and solve Mechanical Engineering problems.
6) Assess societal, health, safety, cultural issues and responsibility related to a Mechanical Engineering problem.
7) Understand the impact of Mechanical Engineering solution on environment and demonstrate the knowledge of need for sustainable development.
8) Apply ethical principles and be committed to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of Mechanical Engineering practices.
9) Work effectively as an individual as well as in the teams and in multidisciplinary environment.
10) Communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms of communication.
11) Demonstrate knowledge of engineering and management principles and apply them to manage projects and finance.
12) Recognize the need for lifelong learning and will be engaged in it in the context of technological advancements.


1) Apply the Mechanical Engineering knowledge to design, analyze and solve the problems in Thermal Engineering, Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering domain.
2) Work effectively individually, in teams and manage the financial and technical aspects of projects in professional manner.
3) Identify the revolutions in technology creating new learning opportunities and engage himself in lifelong learning.

Course Outcomes

Course Outcomes

Faculty Details

AY 2023-24 Faculty List AY 2022-23 Faculty List

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Dr. P. R. Kshirsagar

Asst. Prof. & Head

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Dr. A. S. Raut

Assistant Professor

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Dr. S. N. Waghmare

Associate Professor

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Mr. V. K. Dongare

Assistant Professor

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Mr. M. S. Prabhavalkar

Assistant Professor

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Mr. G. S. Jagushte

Assistant Professor

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Mr. R. D. Wategaonkar

Assistant Professor

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Mr. A. R. Suware

Assistant Professor

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